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Central Ohio Transit Authority/

Gillig Advantege LF 40` #2814

16 june 2009 - Columbus, East Whittier Street i South Mohawk Street. Tutaj krzyzowaly sie dwie szerokosci: szerokotorowe (5'2") tramwaje kursujace po Whittier Street oraz normalnotorowe (4' 8 1/2") na Mohawk Street.
Author: geosunday
Comments: 4

Gillig LF 40 #2817

16 june 2009 - Almost like San Francisco...Welcome to a virtual tour of the state capital of Ohio, Columbus. Here we see Broad Street which is also US Route 40 which itself follows the old National Road. This was the first road built by the federal government.
Author: geosunday
Comments: 1

Gillig LF 40 #2823

9 july 2009 - Columbus, West Woodruff Avenue i Tuttle Park Place. Budynek w tle moze byc siedziba tylko i wylacznie wydzialy...architektury! W srodku surowe betonowe wykonczenie. Co kto lubi :-)
Author: geosunday

Gillig LF 40 #2828

16 june 2009 - Columbus, Broad Street and Front Street. Columbus, named after the famous explorer, became Ohio's state capital in 1812. Between 1803, when Ohio was carved out of the Northwest Territory, and 1812, the state capital moved between Chillicothe and Zanesville before the state legislature compromised on Columbus.
Author: geosunday

Gillig LF 40 #2906

16 june 2009 - Columbus, North High Street. COTA posiada 230-250 wozow obslugujacych okolo 60 linii przewozac dziennie okolo 54,000 pasazerow ktorzy korzystaja z ponad 4000 przystankow rozsianych na obszarze 1460km2.
Author: geosunday

Gillig LF 40 #2911

5 june 2009 - Columbus, West Woodruff Avenue. W ostatnich latach COTA nabyla sporo niskiej podlogi w postaci takich Gilligow. Jednak jest to standard jelczowskich gniotow, gdyz niska podloge uswiadczysz tylko do drugich drzwi. W pelni niskopodlowych autobusow jest tylko 28 (NovaBus LFS) na caly tabor liczacy okolo 250 sztuk.
Author: geosunday

Gillig LF 40 #2914

16 june 2009 - Columbus, South 3rd Street. Nie dajcie sie nabrac, autobus to ten posrodku ;). W tle park, jak zeby inaczej, Schillera.
Author: geosunday
Comments: 2



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