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Чавдар 11M4 #A 2964 BM

24 may 2008 - Burgas, Bulgaria. A Chavdar 11M4 with an unknown owner, is seen parked in the Meden Rudnik district. You can even see the older logo of Chavdar (not the one with the triangle and the circle we are used to see), and maybe these are the original headlights, which are similar to the ones of an old model of Moskvitch. When I showed this picture to an older bus fan than me, he supposed that this is an ex-BurgasBus Chavdar, which was sold so that they can get rid of the bus without scrapping it. And this is a very rare occasion in Bulgaria since most operators (including BurgasBus) are too poor to sell a bus, which is still in a decent condition.
Author: Metzgermeister5

Comments: 1

Чавдар 11M4 #Б 2130 ПБ

october 2004 - Chavdar 11M4 bus in Sunny Beach resort.
Author: mpelov



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