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Alna Sharyo Nagasaki Denki Kidō 500 series #504


NameAlna Sharyo Nagasaki Denki Kidō 500 series
(Alna Sharyo) /Alna Sharyo 500
Build Number
1966Nagaden 長崎市 [Nagasaki-shi]
Vehicle Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Vehicle Number
1966504 / Nagaden 長崎市 [Nagasaki-shi]
Other Information
Alna Sharyo - Nagasaki Denki Kidō 500 series.


11 february 2019 - Nagasaki (Pref. Nagasaki), Ōbashimachi, near Urakami-shako stop (長崎県長崎市大橋町). For administrative purposes, the Nagasaki tram network is split into five lines, and fundamentally services operate on four routes: 1 (blue), 3 (red), 4 (yellow), and 5 (green). The timetable also mentions the existence of a route no. 2, which operates only one lap in the evening, around 11 pm. On top of that, there are unscheduled extras operating between the depot and Shinchi-chūkagai (the latter being a major stop in the city centre). Both route no. 2 and the extras are branded in white. The least frequent route is no. 4, which operates every ca. 12 minutes. The other routes operate every 5 to 8 minutes, but in reality the timetable is very theoretical.
Author: TranslatorPS



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