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ЛиАЗ-6212.01 #18129

6 june 2010 - Moscow, Troparevskaya street. Route 281. Church of Archangel Michael

Ikarus 435.17 #01422

27 april 2009 - Moscow, Leninsky prospekt

Comments: 4

Ikarus 435.17 #07440

9 march 2009 - Moscow, autobus park №7

Comments: 2

Mercedes-Benz O405N #У 923 ТР 199

30 january 2010 - Moscow, salon of the bus

Comments: 2

Mercedes-Benz O405N #У 923 ТР 199

30 january 2010 - Moscow, Borovskoye highway. Free route M-1 from the hypermarket Mosmart to metro station Yugo-Zapadnaya.

Comments: 5

Mercedes O325 #14465

30 january 2010 - Moscow, terminal station "5-th micro-district Solntsevo", route 788.

Mercedes O405G #0219

12 april 2009 - Moscow, Kashirskoye highway

Comments: 3

Ikarus 256.21H #14???

3 november 2009 - Moscow, salon of the bus

Comments: 1

Ikarus 256.21H #14???

16 april 2009 - Moscow region, Khovanskoye kaldbische

Comments: 4

Ikarus 280.33M #14438

11 october 2009 - Moscow, terminal station "5-th micro-district Solntsevo"

МАЗ 107466 #14552

30 august 2009 - Moscow, terminal station "Platform Vostryakovo"

Comments: 2

ЛиАЗ 6213.20 #09490

16 august 2009 - Moscow, Terminal station "Krylatskoe". The bus M-2: Metro Krylatskoe - Metro Pionerskaja, organized in connection with the closing of sections of subway lines 15 and 16 August. http://metroblog.ru/post/2373/

Comments: 2

МАЗ 107066 #08546

20 august 2009 - Moscow, Terminal station "Ozyornaja street"

Comments: 1

Mercedes O325 #14465

20 august 2009 - Moscow, cabin of the bus

Mercedes O325 #14465

20 august 2009 - Moscow, salon of the bus

Mercedes O325 #14465

20 august 2009 - Moscow, Terminal station "Ozyornaja street"

МАЗ 103465 #14525

12 august 2009 - Moscow, terminal station "Platform Vostryakovo"

Comments: 1

Mercedes O325 #08246

4 july 2009 - Moscow, Fili autobus and trolleybus park

Comments: 7

Ikarus 435.17 #14450

12 august 2009 - Moscow, Borovskoye highway

МАЗ 103465 #14409

12 august 2009 - Moscow, terminal station "5-th micro-district Solntsevo"

Comments: 1

Ikarus 283.00 #08573

2 june 2009 - Moscow, Fili autobus and trolleybus park. On the route most likely never will...

Comments: 5

ЛиАЗ 6213.20 #05407

2 june 2009 - Moscow, Terminal station "Krylatskoe"

Comments: 2

ЛиАЗ 6213.20 #05103

26 april 2009 - Salon assembled at the Tushinsky Machine-Building Plant (TMZ)

ЛиАЗ 6213.20 #05103

12 april 2009 - Moscow, Profsoyuznaya street

Comments: 4

ЛиАЗ 6213.20 #13120

12 april 2009 - Moscow, Kashirskoye highway

Ikarus 280.33 #07359

15 march 2009 - Moscow, terminal station "Metro station "Voykovskaya". Ikarus-280.33 #07359 and Ikarus-280.33M #11344

Comments: 2

Ikarus 280.33M #14472

7 march 2009 - Moscow, terminal station "Metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya"

Comments: 3

ЛиАЗ-6212.01 #1-1603

3 november 2008 - Stupino, railway station

Mercedes O405G #1-1019

3 november 2008 - Stupino, terminal station "Kalinina street"

Ikarus 280.33M #14244

2 may 2009 - Moscow, terminal station "11-th micro-district Solntsevo"

Ikarus 280.33M #07139

1 may 2009 - Moscow, autobus park №7

Comments: 2

Ikarus 435.17 #08369

5 april 2009 - Moscow, salon of the bus

Ikarus 435.17 #08369

5 april 2009 - Moscow , Terminal station "Ozyornaja street"

Comments: 3

МАЗ 105060 #08300

7 march 2009 - Moscow, Terminal station "Krylatskoe"

Comments: 2



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