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Search Photos

Neoplan N4421 CNG #506

27 may 2011 - Erfurt, EVAG-Betriebshof (Abstellhalle)

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Erfurt (Thüringen) | Owner: EVAG Erfurt | Transport Authority: VMT Thüringen

Neoplan N4421 CNG #502

27 may 2011 - Erfurt, Busbahnhof / ZOB

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Erfurt (Thüringen) | Owner: EVAG Erfurt | Transport Authority: VMT Thüringen

Neoplan N4421 CNG #514

22 july 2015 - Erfurt, Bahnhofstraße.

Author: Bananedytor RSS
Place: Erfurt (Thüringen) | Owner: EVAG Erfurt | Transport Authority: VMT | Route: 9

Neoplan N4421 CNG #513

12 august 2013 - Erfurt, Schillerstraße. One of EVAG`s gas-powered articulated Neoplan buses is here seen running on line 9, in the lovely town of Erfurt.

Author: Texagonedytor RSS
Place: Erfurt (Thüringen) | Owner: EVAG Erfurt | Transport Authority: SWE EVAG | Route: 9

Neoplan N4421 CNG #501

6 october 2014 - Erfurt, Busbahnhof

Neoplan N4421 CNG #514

24 august 2011 - Erfurt, Häßlerstraße

Neoplan N4421 CNG #510

16 may 2009 - Erfurt

Neoplan N4421 CNG #501

13 august 2009 - Erfurt Nordbahnhof, EF-EG 501

Neoplan N4421 CNG #71

17 december 2004 - Zwickau, Innere Zwickauer Straße

Author: integro1 RSS

Neoplan N4421 CNG #71

25 may 2005 - Zwickau, Zaanstadter Straße

Neoplan N4421 CNG #71

23 february 2005 - Zwickau, Zentralhaltestelle

Neoplan N4421 CNG #71

october 2001 - Zwickau, Zentralhaltestelle

Author: integro1 RSS



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