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MCI 102DL3 #6070

20 july 2010 - Williamsburg, Virgina, Williamsburg Transportation Center. Greyhound bus bound to Richmond is standing in front of nice, air-conditioned railway and bus station. I always found quite fonny the fact that these buses' doors open like in Autosan H9, although they are pneumatically powered.
More information about Williamsburg Transportation Center and the bus behind this is under this photo.

Comments: 1

Gillig Phantom 35' #1801

20 july 2010 - Williamsburg, Virginia, Williamsburg Transportation Center. It's the heart of public transportation in this city - here are Amtrak and Greyhound stations, here is taxi stand and main hub of city's buses, where eight Williamsburg bus lines ride from every hour or half an hour, except nights. This bus comes from neighbor city Newport News on express line four times a day.

Comments: 4

IC CE200

23 july 2010 - Williamsburg, Virginia, Capitol Landing Road. An employee bus, same type that famous American school buses, carries students from several countries to work in Busch Gardens amusement park. This vehicle is air-conditioned, 40 feet long, 6 feet high inside, and seat pitch is even smaller than onboard Ryanair planes. It's very good to carry children, but much worse to carry me (6'9").

Comments: 4



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