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Isuzu PKG-LV234L2 Erga Non-Step #6909
Author: TranslatorPS plRSS (4)
Uploaded: 2018-12-17 17:42:16.919515
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File size: 583.98kB
13 december 2018 - Shiki (Saitama Pref.), Honchō 5-chōme, Shiki-eki Higashi-guchi terminus (埼玉県志木市本町5丁目).
志05 (shi-05): 志木駅東口 (Shiki Station East Exit) → 宗岡 (Muneoka) → 志木駅東口 (Shiki Station East Exit) (linia okólna)
This is the third photo within a kilometre of each other now, and a third bus company. When it comes to integration, Europe is like a heaven. It`s impossible to see ticket unions here (with minor exceptions regarding day tickets, like in Kyōto). On-stop passenger information usually leads to a forest of stops, as each operator places their own flags and schedules, although oddly enough termini are well integrated. As for the Internet, most companes refer over to nation-wide search engines, such as Navitime, but even then often to separate subpages that only cover their own services. Most trips are paid on a trip by trip basis, and because of long-term tickets - commuter passes as they`re referred to here - it`s impossible to find network-wide tickets spanning over multiple operators. There are, however, routes operated by two operators simultaneously, surprisingly enough, and in those cases one can actually buy a commuter pass covering both operators on that route. The cherry on top of the icing lays in the network maps on board the buses which show... only the routes operated by that particular garage.
pl en gt


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