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TransBus President #405

11 august 2015 - Ipswich, Old Cattle Market Bus Station. Seen leaving the bus station at the start of its journey on service 93 to Colchester.

Author: ChrisGBNL RSS

TransBus President #33176

9 may 2017 - Hilgrove Road, Newquay.

TransBus President #PJ02 PZP

10 february 2014 - St Clement`s Close, Truro. Seen here providing a daily shuttle service from one of Truros private schools to the nearest rail station is this vehicle, catching the rays of winter sun between the storms.

TransBus President #18047

30 january 2014 - Broadgate, Lincoln. Relatively rare within the Stagecoach group is the Transbus President body, of which only a few low-height versions were ordered. Despite the terrible weather, I thought the rich red brick of the building helped lift the atmosphere a little here.

TransBus President #PJ02 PZP

20 december 2013 - Ponsharden, Falmouth. Quite possibly one of the most picturesque bus depots in the UK is home to this vehicle, which is laid up over the winter period.

TransBus President #18034

18 july 2013 - Mansfield, Station Road, Bus Station. This vehicle, new to Manchester is seen basking in the early summer sun whilst laying over between duties having been transferred to East Midlands.

TransBus President #PJ02 PZP

2 june 2013 - Falmouth, Dunstanville Terrace. This vehicle has been driven by the author in both Oxford and Falmouth with 2 different owners. As Falmouth is the town in which I was born and raised, I thought it appropriate to take this photograph where the bus is seen on summer-only Park & Ride duties with the picturesque nature of the area reflected by the Penryn River in the background. Interestingly, when I drove this vehicle in Oxford it also worked mostly on Park & Ride work - route 700.

Comments: 4

Trident #PDN1

14 may 2013 - Londyn, High Road. Andrew wycofal juz go z ruchu na londynskich ulicach ale on wciaz jeszcze jezdzi. Wspomaga linie 476.

Author: piotrspikeedytor RSS
Place: London (Greater London) | Owner: London General London | Transport Authority: TfL | Route: 476

TransBus Trident / TransBus President #PDL35

6 july 2007 - London, Broad Sanctuary, 88.

TransBus Trident / TransBus President #PDL45

10 july 2007 - London, Cockspur Strret, 88.

Dennis Trident / Plaxton President #PDL26

25 april 2009 - Londyn (London Borough of Newham). East Ham Manor Way.

Comments: 1

TransBus Trident / TransBus President #PDL32

6 february 2009 - Londyn, Trafalgar Square.

Comments: 2

Transbus Trident / Plaxton President #18059

29 may 2008 - Cambridge, Drummer Street Bus Station. President podstawia się na stanowisko...

Dennis Trident/Plaxton President #PDL49

24 february 2008 - City of Westminster, Millbank. A tak ja się zdecydowałem pobawić Color-Key’em :) Ale cóż innego zostało, jak na niebie było już strasznie szaro, parlament ma taki bladożółtawy kolor piaskowca, a autobus jest taki soczyście czerwony. Z dedykacją dla Izy Jankowskiej :)

Comments: 26

TransBus Trident / TransBus President #PDL29

17 july 2007 - Londyn, Broad Sanctuary.

Dennis Trident/Transbus President #18032

20 may 2007 - Manchester, Picadilly St.

Dennis/TransBus Trident #PDL46

25 august 2007 - Londyn, most Londyński. Koniec ładnych zdjęć, teraz uzupełnienia :P Moje 50 foto na TWB :)

Comments: 4

TransBus Trident / TransBus President #PDL29

13 july 2007 - London, Vauxhall Bridge, 88.

Comments: 2

Dennis Trident / Plaxton President #18051

19 july 2007 - Plaxton President on Dennis Trident chassis; Rail Stn stop, Park End St, Oxford.

TransBus Trident / TransBus President #PDL32

6 july 2007 - London, St Margaret Street, 87.

Dennis Trident / Plaxton President #PDL26

26 june 2007 - London, King William Street, 133. W tle The Monument - pomnik upamiętniający wieli pożar w Londynie w 1666.

TransBus Trident / TransBus President #18025

7 june 2007 - Ashton-under-lyne, Lord Sheldon Way

TransBus Trident/TransBus President #18024

12 march 2007 - Manchester, centrum. W związku z wyścigami konnymi w Cheltenham, musieliśmy zabrać kilka piętrusów z Manchesteru żeby dowieść wszystkich chętnych ze stacji kolejowej Cheltenham na wyścigi konne, które odbywały się w innej części miasta. W sumie z różnych zajezdni Stagecoach sprowadziliśmy 55 piętrusów a i tak nam zabrakło 9 :).

Comments: 1

Dennis Trident II / Plaxton President #PDL18

11 august 2002 - London-Greenwich, Greenwich Market. Piętrus na 188 na zerowym południku.

Dennis Trident #PDL31

27 september 2006 - Londyn, pętla Liverpool Street. Piętrus zawrócił pod budynkiem i za chwilę podstawi się na swój przystanek. W tak wąskiej uliczce pomiędzy stacją kolejową Liverpool a biurowcem ulokowana jest duża pętla dla kilku silnych linii. Ruch też jest tu spory, obok stacji kolejowej pod spodem jest też stacja metra, przez którą przejeżdżają pociągi czterech linii.

Comments: 2

Dennis Trident #PDL17

18 march 2006 - London, Camberwell-Green, Valmar Road To jeden z ładniejszych angielskich "wynalazków" ...

Comments: 4

Dennis Trident / Plaxton President #18025

12 august 2005 - Manchester, Piccadilly.



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